Slip! Slop! Slap!

Slip! Slop! Slap!

  It’s A Good Idea… Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. To make it easier for Australians to remember how to protect their skin, The Cancer Council Victoria coined this catchy slogan: Slip! Slop! Slap! Maybe it can help you remember...
Tips for Sun Protection

Tips for Sun Protection

Safety In and Out of the Sun – Learn How You can Protect Yourself To prevent premature aging and sun damage you need to protect yourself and your family from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Proper sun protection can significantly decrease a...
What Does a Kybella Treatment Feel Like?

What Does a Kybella Treatment Feel Like?

In the process of researching Kybella to treat the fullness under my chin , I learned that the treatment can be somewhat painful, and that some people can have a fair amount of swelling, bruising, and firmness for several days (or even longer) after the treatment....
What is “Off-Label” use?

What is “Off-Label” use?

Off-label use refers to using a product, medication, or treatment in a way other than what was approved by the FDA. For example, BOTOX® Cosmetic is FDA-approved for the temporary improvement of moderate to severe (glabellar) frown lines between the eyebrows, and for...
Kelly’s Breast Augmentation Experience

Kelly’s Breast Augmentation Experience

I get a lot of comments from people around me that say that my implants look extremely natural. When I came to Dr. Dembny, I was researching plastic surgery – specifically breast implants. After having kids, I felt like the size of my breasts had decreased. A...