Tummy Tuck & Liposuction - Milwaukee, WI

Abdominoplasty with muscle plication & Liposuction Flank - Patient 163

47 year old woman | 5’3″ | 145 lbs.
Bothered by excess loose skin and tethered scars

This woman had been considering body contouring surgery for over ten years. She was unhappy with the protruding excess abdominal skin and fat. She had four pregnancies, her last being twins delivered by caesarian section. Examination demonstrated at least 3cm rectus diastasis, an 11cm lower midline C-section scar with some retraction, a right lower quadrant appendectomy scar which was tethered to the deeper tissues, and a 12cm left hip/iliac crest scar resulting from a bone graft harvest. Her abdominal skin laxity was accentuated by these scars. Lipodystrophy of the flanks and medial thighs was also noted. An abdominoplasty with umbilical transposition was performed; plication of the rectus muscle diastasis was performed above and below the belly button; some of the remaining loose abdominal fascia was also plicated to improve contour. Liposuction removed 400cc of fat from each flank, and 200+cc from each medial thigh. Her post-operative recovery was complicated by pneumonia, but despite that she has healed well.

Nine month post-operative photographs show her nice results.


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