Liposuction - Milwaukee, WI

Lateral, Posterior, and Medial Thighs — Patient 255

43 year old woman | 5’6″ | 140 lbs.

This woman was dissatisfied with the appearance of her thighs, after having undergone a tummy tuck with flank liposuction one year earlier. The waist of her pants was too loose compared to the fit in the thigh area, and she felt her thighs were out of proportion with the rest of her body. Examination showed mild-to-moderate lipodystrophy of the lateral thigh/saddlebag, with additional lipodystrophy in the posterior and medial thigh. Six week post-operative photographs show the results of power-assisted ‘superwet’ liposuction of the lateral, posterior, and medial thighs. 760cc and 800cc of fat was aspirated from the right and left lateral thighs, respectively; 120cc of fat was removed from each posterior thigh; 480cc and 510cc of fat was aspirated from the right and left anterior/medial thighs, respectively. Her clothing now fits appropriately.

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